It’s Frida, Frida, Got to get down on Fridaaa!

Estimated difficulty: 💜💜💜🤍🤍 I must say, this months post had me struck with a little bit of writers block. Life has been busy, and I may or may not have frequented a BBQ or two whilst we have been blessed with a few rays of sunshine and a bank holiday weekend. Either way, the blog …

ChatGPT: Let’s try it out!

Estimated difficulty: 💜🤍🤍🤍🤍 You may have already heard of ChatGPT. It has been a headliner in the news recently, mainly with a concern that it will replace hundreds, thousands, or maybe even more jobs! This post does not intend to add to the fear mongering, but more explore what we can do with ChatGPT and …

Deauth Yourself: How to Build a Deauthenticator

Estimated difficulty:  💜🤍🤍🤍 🤍 Welcome to the wonderful world of hardware. This blog post is a walkthrough of how to build a deauthenticator; a pocket-sized tool that you can create to kick a device off of a network (especially good to know for April fools, or if you just want to have some fun with …

Dank Docker Development

Estimated Difficulty: 💜💜💜🤍🤍 I’m sure you have all heard the whispers that Security folk dislike the Developer folk… However, the time has come for the Security-Developer to be born! I don’t know about you, but I am all for making my life easier and after a dissertation full of failures, I have a new love …