Android Attack: Malicious APK Walkthrough

Estimated difficulty: 💜💜💜🤍🤍 Why Android Attack? Because it sounds like Art Attack and it reminds me of my childhood. Much like the arty thing I used to do back then, in my mind, reversing Android malware is also similar to an art form. Yes things are more “black and white”; pardon the pun, but there …

Phishing : Analysing a Phishy

Estimated difficulty: 💜🤍🤍🤍🤍 I am sure many of you have heard of the term ‘phishing‘. Phishing is a form of social engineering, where the campaign is likely to pose as a trusted service or person, which may trick a user into giving away credentials, money or personal identifiable information. The phishing campaign is likely to …

Advent of Code: Day 1

I assure you, it’s not Christmas yet! However, it has recently been on my TODO list to learn Python. Advent of Code is a great platform that creates challenges for you to do throughout the month of December. These are Christmas themed, so its obligatory to wear a Santa hat whilst you complete them, even …

It’s Frida, Frida, Got to get down on Fridaaa!

Estimated difficulty: 💜💜💜🤍🤍 I must say, this months post had me struck with a little bit of writers block. Life has been busy, and I may or may not have frequented a BBQ or two whilst we have been blessed with a few rays of sunshine and a bank holiday weekend. Either way, the blog …

ChatGPT: Let’s try it out!

Estimated difficulty: 💜🤍🤍🤍🤍 You may have already heard of ChatGPT. It has been a headliner in the news recently, mainly with a concern that it will replace hundreds, thousands, or maybe even more jobs! This post does not intend to add to the fear mongering, but more explore what we can do with ChatGPT and …

Android Attack: Intro to Frida

Estimated difficulty: 💜💜💜🤍🤍 What is Frida? Frida is a potent tool used by reverse engineers to perform several different tasks. It is open source and once downloaded includes an extensive tool suite. These tools are: Dynamic instrumentation toolkit for developers, reverse-engineers, and security researchers. For this post, I wanted to walk through some basic …

Android Attack: JavaScript Interfaces and WebViews

Estimated difficulty: 💜💜🤍🤍🤍 This post will walk you through what a JavaScript interface is and how you might retrieve the Java object from the application into the application WebView using this method. A WebView is pretty much what it says on the tin. Android applications can define a WebView within an Activity class in order …

Android Attack: Reversing React Native Applications

Estimated difficulty: 💜💜🤍🤍🤍 This post is going to walk you through how to reverse engineer an Android application that is built using React Native. It is more common to see applications being built using this mobile framework, as it supports the development of an app in both Android and iOS platforms. Let’s unpack this further! …

Shh! Weaknesses In Remote Management Protocols

Estimated difficulty:  💜🤍🤍🤍🤍 Recently I was studying for CRT. To help myself and others revise, I thought I would make this blog post on management protocols and some of their common weaknesses and vulnerabilities. This is a high-level overview of some of these protocols and how to exploit them. We will cover the following: SSH …